Sculptra® is one of our favorite products since it stimulates the body to produce its own type 1 collagen over time, giving you a permanent result, unlike filler which completely dissolves over time. As we continue to age, it is recommended to repeat Sculptra® injections once per year to maintain the best results.⠀
Sculptra® fights wrinkles and sagging skin and reduces fine lines for a more youthful appearance. You will see the best results eight weeks after initial treatment.
Smooth and Young Looking Skin with Sculptra® Collagen Booster!
Before & Afters
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Sculptra®?
Sculptra® is an injectable FDA-approved dermal filler for wrinkles and folds on the face that provides a younger appearance. It was first used to treat lipoatrophy that causes facial fat loss that results in sunken cheeks and deep folds and indentations on the face. The main ingredient in Sculptra® is poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). It’s classified as a collagen stimulator that provides long-lasting, natural-looking results that can last up to two years.
How Does Sculptra® Work?
Sculptra® is injected into the skin to diminish facial wrinkles. It contains PLLA, which acts as a collagen stimulator, helping to gradually restore fullness to facial wrinkles and folds. This results in a softer and more youthful appearance. You may notice immediate results, but it can take a few months to see the full results of your treatment. Dr. Perich will work with you to determine the number of treatment sessions needed to achieve the best result. The average regimen consists of three injections spread out over three or four months.
Who is a Good Candidate for Sculptra®?
Sculptra® is safe and effective but isn’t recommended for people with allergies to any of its ingredients or for those with medical conditions that cause irregular scarring.
What are the Benefits of Sculptra® Treatment?
Sculptra® is a minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment — so downtime is minimal. If you have a demanding work or family schedule, you’ll be able to get back to your regular activities much faster than surgical procedures
Sculptra® enhances skin tone and texture & improves skin health.
It boosts collagen growth. Collagen is a natural skin protein that is present in large quantities when you are younger but declines as you age. It is responsible for keeping the skin firm and plump.
It offers subtle, more natural-looking results. Because the improvements brought on by Sculptra® are gradual, it will be much less likely that anyone suspects that you’ve had any treatment done. Since volume is added slowly, the improvement looks very natural.
Sculptra® offers long-lasting results. The results of Sculptra® can last for up to 2 years, which is a lot longer than many of the other cosmetic injectables.
Where Sculptra® Can Be Injected?
Sculptra® is used to diminish facial wrinkles and folds and has been clinically approved to treat smile lines and other wrinkles around the nose and mouth as well as chin wrinkles. Sculptra® has many off-label uses, including nonsurgical butt lift or buttock augmentation, correction of cellulite, creating definition, and the look of extra muscle mass on the glutes, thighs, biceps, triceps, pectorals. Sculptra® is not recommended for use on the eyes or the lips.
How To Prepare for Sculptra® Injections?
There is no special preparation required for Sculptra®. To reduce the risk of bleeding, your doctor may ask that you stop taking NSAIDs s such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen a few days before treatment.
What is Collagen?
Collagen is the most common protein in the body that is used to form a framework to support cells and tissue. Collagen is called the “fountain of youth” as it keeps your skin from sagging, giving it a glow and youthful look. Your body naturally produces collagen, but its production decreases with age. Starting in your mid-20s, you slowly begin to lose collagen. Women can lose up to 30% of the collagen in the first 5 years of menopause.
How To Look Younger?
We’ve mastered different techniques to help your skin fight the signs of aging. The secret to a younger-looking face is younger-looking skin. Taking care of your skin at home and visiting our clinic regularly for skin rejuvenation treatments will give you spectacular results and a beautiful youthful appearance. It is never too late to start treatments to stimulate collagen production in your skin!
Sculptra® is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace lost collagen in your skin with new collagen for results that can last more than two years. Dr. Tanya Perich also offers Candela CORE® CO2 Laser to enhance skin tone and texture through skin resurfacing. This non-invasive procedure reduces the effects of aging and sun on the skin, smoothing fine lines, wrinkles, reducing acne scars, and stimulating new collagen production by removing the skin’s outer layers and allowing radiant new skin cells to grow.