Antiaging Treatments
Our top-of-the-line comprehensive antiaging skin treatments are the key to complete facial rejuvenation. Achieve the best results with CO2 laser skin resurfacing, Morpheus8 therapy, or Sculptra®.
Morpheus8 is a microneedling device that utilizes radio frequency energy to remodel and contour the face and body via subdermal adipose remodeling. This fractional treatment penetrates deep into the skin and fat for a smoother and sleeker appearance. Morpheus8 can be combined with PRP therapy for optimal results!
FaceTite is a nonsurgical facelift alternative that uses radio frequency (RF) energy to target fat and loose skin in the face and neck. By simultaneously melting fat and tightening the skin, a FaceTite treatment can effectively counter common signs of aging to create a more youthful appearance in just one treatment.
AccuTite by InMode is an incredible, non-surgical skin tightening treatment. Like FaceTite, it uses radio frequency assisted lipolysis technology, which tightens skin and liquifies fat cells. The Accutite skin tightening treatment is perfect for patients who need precise fat reduction or skin contraction and tightening in hard to access areas.
upper and lower eyelids
nasolabial folds (laugh lines)
marionette lines (lines at the corner of your mouth)
CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing
CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing is the key to complete facial rejuvenation. It is often recognized as an instant face lift because of its ability to smooth deep and rough wrinkles and tighten sagging skin. It is a popular device used by certified dermatologists all over the world because of its high success rate, and ability to produce significant results in as little as two treatments. At Perich Aesthetics, Dr. Tanya Perich offers full face or partially full Candela CO2RE® laser skin resurfacing that is best for:
acne scars⠀
mild to deep wrinkles⠀
pigmentation and skin tone⠀
skin laxity⠀
skin texture and irregularities⠀
age spots, discoloration, sun spots⠀
Sculptra® is one of our favorite products since it stimulates the body to produce its own type 1 collagen over time, giving you a permanent result, unlike filler which completely dissolves over time. As we continue to age, it is recommended to repeat Sculptra® injections once per year to maintain the best results.⠀
Sculptra® fights wrinkles and sagging skin and reduces fine lines for a more youthful appearance. You will see the best results eight weeks after initial treatment.
Before & Afters
Morpheus8 Microneedling RF Therapy
Morpheus 8 Prime
Morpheus 8 Prime is a final touch facial treatment designed for subdermal/dermal remodeling of periorbital, perioral, nose, and small hard to reach areas. The Prime tip has 12 pins instead of 24 and the tip is much smaller than a regular Morpheus 8 tip. Morpheus 8 Prime treats small areas and helps reach corners closer to the eye, rejuvenating delicate skin on the lower and upper eyelids. Morpheus8 Prime restores youthful appearance in hard to reach areas, effectively reduces bags underneath the eyes, and improves wrinkles, dark circle, and texture of the skin. It is a highly recommended treatment for patients who struggle with tired looking eyes, eye bags, and crow’s feet.
CO2RE® Laser Skin Resurfacing
Frequently Asked Questions
How to look younger?
We’ve mastered different techniques to help your skin fight the signs of aging. The secret to a younger looking face is younger looking skin. Taking care of your skin at home and visiting our clinic regularly for skin rejuvenation treatments will give you spectacular results and a beautiful youthful appearance. It is never too late to start treatments to stimulate collagen production in your skin!
Sculptra® is an FDA-approved injectable that helps gradually replace lost collagen in your skin with new collagen for results that can last more than two years. Dr. Tanya Perich also offers Candela CORE® CO2 Laser to enhance skin tone and texture through skin resurfacing. This non-invasive procedure reduces the effects of aging and sun on the skin, smoothing fine lines, wrinkles, reducing acne scars and stimulating new collagen production by removing the skin’s outer layers and allowing radiant new skin cells to grow.
What is collagen?
Collagen is the most common protein in the body that is used to form a framework to support cell and tissue. Collagen is called “fountain of youth” as it keeps your skin from sagging, giving it a glow and youthful look. Your body naturally produces collagen, but its production decreases with age. Starting in your mid-20s, you slowly begin to lose collagen. Women can lose up to 30% of collagen in the first 5 years of menopause.